Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hurdles Through The Storm

As I've stated in my other blogs, I am not a fancy writer. I am going to express myself the best way that I know how and I hope that anyone who reads this will bear with me and my somewhat scattered thoughts in this blog.

So why do we have hurdles, hoops and jumps that we have to go through just to accomplish one task? I find that when I am done with one hurdle, another one jumps right in front of me. I don't even have time to rest from the hurdle that I just jumped. Life seemed so much easier when I was a kid. I, often wish that I had a "Back To The Future" car and teleport myself back to a time when life was easy. How do I overcome this feeling that I am having today of hurdles in life? It is so funny that just yesterday that I was trying to focus on "Love" and today I am wrapped up with hurdles.

How do I channel out of these frustrations. Do I just take a break, relax, relate and release. People are nice and they tell me that it will be ok and not to fret. I think that it is all easier said than done. I used to tell people the same thing and now I have to apply my own advice. I must say that channeling my thoughts into words and blogging has helped me to a degree. I am able to release some of these frustration and try to figure out a way to cope.

I'm looking at my Affirmation Calendar from Dr. Wayne Dyer for today, September 29 and it states:

Affirm: I am eternal, and that means that I showed up here from the infiniteness of spiritual intention to fulfill a destiny that I must act on.

I wonder if all of these hurdles are apart of my destiny? People say that you have to go through a lot to achieve success. But is that really true? Is this just some wishful thinking to help you cope with hurdles? Who knows? I wonder what I am missing in this journey? God knows that I've asked time and time again for answers. Has He giving me the answers in this storm?

Nevertheless, I look above at the clouds at times and notice how free they are to go across the sky without any hurdles. The clouds look so peaceful as they move with ease. Am I being taught peace in this storm?

Although I am frustrated, I have to channel this energy into something positive. I have to!! Life is a journey of peaks and valleys!!

Music has always been an outlet for me during good and bad times. Please enjoy this relaxing instrumental music video that I found. Enjoy! Until Next Time!!!


  1. I think every human has had the very thoughts and questions that are passing around in your mind. Life is so strange, indeed. I definitely have to take a lot of time "outs"....and "stop"....and sit in a quite place and ask God..."ok, what is this all about?" He always seems to show me, in His timing....but sometimes, His timing seems so slow...:>) I love the music you added, very relaxing!!

  2. Thank you. Yes, I have to remember to sit and ask myself what is the lesson that is being taught to me. It is hard when you are in the middle of a storm to appreciate the lesson. Well, I consider it a lesson after I've passed through the storm. But while I am in the storm it is 'Why, God, Why?' lol I have to continually bring myself back to a place of serenity to keep myself grounded and not get out of place when I am going through stuff.
